Scott Murphy (D Cand, NY-20): ‘One of them.’

Jim Tedisco reminds us that Murphy may have an inclination towards giving bonuses to companies losing money…

…although that may not be an entirely fair comparison. After all, back then Murphy’s bonus scheme didn’t involve your money. I wonder if he’s still for passing that miscalled “stimulus” bill – Tedisco is on the record as opposing it, mind you – and I wonder if Murphy is going to comment on his stance on the AIG payoffs further. Or at all, really.


Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

3 thoughts on “Scott Murphy (D Cand, NY-20): ‘One of them.’”

  1. Scott Murphy is going to rubber stamp all the bills that Nancy Pelosi tells him to.

    He’s a product of a Washington DC slick campaign with nice commercials but don’t get
    fooled folks. He’ll vote yes for the mortgage bailout bill and yes on a second stimulus package.

    The people who got us into this mess with AIG was Barney Frank and Dodd, and it was rushed
    through without thought and voted on. Exactly what Scotty Murphy did when he said he’d vote
    for the first stimulus bill without reflecting on it or reading the bill.

    I’m voting Tedisco for congress for fiscal responsibility.

    The Hope

    Scott Murphy’s Bonus Debacle – Scott Murphy hands out hundreds of thousands of dollars in bonuses to executives losing millions

    Scott Murphy for Congress

    Scott Murphy for Congress Tax Liens

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