Reviewing the March 2009 fundraising numbers.

[UPDATE] Welcome, Instapundit readers.  Recommendations, for a change: you might find this amusing, or this (sourly so).

OK, it looks like all the numbers are in. Executive summary: the DNC needs the President to survive, the NRSC is continuing to hold steady, and while the NRCC is probably thankful that the DCCC is debt-ridden, it needs to get on the stick.

Raised CoH Debt
RNC 6.7 23.9 0
DNC 7.57 9.7 6.9
NRSC 4.94 2.7 1
DSCC 5 7.2 10.8
NRCC 5.3 3.33 5
DCCC 10.2 3.34 8

Overall, the Democrats raised more in the first quarter, but have less cash on hand and considerably more debt.

Looking at last month’s numbers, the thing that jumps out first is the debt levels: the DCCC spent a lot of its 2-to-1 advantage in fundraising on getting a handle on its existing debt, while the DNC/DSCC did not; meanwhile, the NRSC/NRCC are steadily drawing down. The NRCC is also reporting that it is increasing its efficiency levels and member participation. Neither are game-changers, but we have nineteen months to the midterms.

Until the actual FEC reports come out, I’m going to assume that the two congressional GOP committee totals include the 1 million apiece that the RNC forwarded them – but even if they do, the transfer to the DNC is more interesting, anyway. That $7.57 million raised includes another $2 million contribution from Obama’s old campaign funds and a $3 million fundraiser. Subtract the one (I haven’t in the main totals, because fair’s fair: the NRSC/NRCC totals apparently include transfers) and we see that individual donations are still lagging the RNC’s; subtract both, and the dependency of the DNC on the President becomes obvious. If this trend continues, expect the White House to start using the DNC as its proxy agent in the Democratic Party’s internal controversies. Seeing as they own it anyway, they might as well.

Overall, how things look will largely depend on how partisan you are. Both Democrats and Republicans will find good things to see in these numbers; while normal people will… probably wonder why anybody went through the trouble.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

8 thoughts on “Reviewing the March 2009 fundraising numbers.”

  1. Moe,

    And that last line is why your posts always bring a smile to my face. More people should understand the value of a tongue-in-cheek perspective when presenting details of politics, haha.

    One thing I find interesting is that during the last presidency, the RNC was raising double the DNC. Now with a change of party, the DNC is just barely beating the RNC. I don’t know if the DNC is still ramping things up, but it’s interesting.

    All the best. Btw, you might like Heroes Inc, a new comic that just appeared positing a WWII with super powers that the US lost as a result of some kind. Apparently the old Nedor comics just had their trademarks/copyrights expired. Seems interesting so far.

  2. the Democrats raised more in the first quarter, but have less cash on hand and considerably more debt.

    Your point? They are consistent, they are doing the same thing to the country: raised more (taxes), less cash (revenues), more debt.

  3. Don’t know what other individuals do, but I only give money to individual candidates that I support. No way I’m going to let the NRCC give my money to some RINO. Not one cent to the party until they get the message on the growth of government.

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