Letterman apology, take two.

[UPDATE] Welcome, Big Hollywood and Instapundit readers.  If you’d like some lighter fare after this, try this.

Compare this:

…to this:

A certain attitude adjustment can be detected there; amazing what a spot of actual activism will do, yes? Particularly when it’s directed at advertisers.  The general reaction elsewhere to this one is ‘kinda real‘; see also Cynthia Yockey, Michelle Malkin, Little Miss Attila, the Rhetorician, The Other McCain, Ace of Spades, Hot Air, Riehl World View, Big Hollywood, Wizbang, & Dan Collins.  Also, Governor Palin has already accepted the apology:

“Of course it’s accepted on behalf of young women, like my daughters, who hope men who ‘joke’ about public displays of sexual exploitation of girls will soon evolve,” she said.

“Letterman certainly has the right to ‘joke’ about whatever he wants to, and thankfully we have the right to express our reaction,” Palin said. “This is all thanks to our U.S. Military women and men putting their lives on the line for us to secure America’s Right to Free Speech – in this case, may that right be used to promote equality and respect.”

And I don’t think that these guys are going to stop.  Given that Letterman should have started with a “Sorry you were offended” last week, instead of smirking it off, well: I can see why they wouldn’t.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

10 thoughts on “Letterman apology, take two.”

  1. Hey, if Sarah wants to close the books on this “kinda real” apology from Dave, I can do so too.

    However, I would like to see Dave do one more thing: Go on Fox News and get interviewed by Megyn Kelly about this issue. This way, Megyn can reference the Guy Cimbalo-Playboy screed and emphasize to Dave that the double standard can’t happen any more.

  2. That lame apology is a little late, his first reply was indicative of his true feelings, make fun of the dumb conservatives. He probably felt like all bullies that nothing could happen to him. Well I applaud the effort of firedaveletterman.com and I have written to his sponsors and the FCC to complain. It is a joy to watch conservatives finally waking up from this nightmare and fighting back. Now Leon Panetta needs to get on the apology bandwagon and aplogize to Dick Cheney.

  3. What a lame “apology.” No mention of the “slutty flight attendant” wisecrack about the governor. Letterman is off the air at my house. Permanently.

  4. Oh, I get it now…the apology that wasn’t followed by an apology that isn’t! Dave, you used to be funny, now you’re just….just…..kinda beyond sad!

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