Michael Williams examines the cap-and-trade bill.

Michael Williams, current Texas Railroad Commissioner* and candidate for Senate, is doing a multi-part survey of the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill currently before Congress. He’s up to Part III (see also Part I & Part II, of course), and here’s what he’s hoping to accomplish with it:

Democrats in Congress, joined with the Obama administration, are proceeding along parallel tracks to impose CO2 regulations so sweeping as to become the most expensive and expansive environmental reach of government into the lives of American families, businesses and consumers in history.

In May, the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved the Waxman-Markey cap and trade bill that is designed to drastically reduce carbon dioxide emissions blamed for global warming. The full House could complete action on the bill within the next two weeks.


The prospect for cap and trade is less certain in the Senate and the EPA, while poised to finalize its landmark finding, has not done so, yet. If enough Americans band together, we can still protect the American economy, jobs, and incomes from undue and unnecessary CO2 regulations.

Michael’s goal here is to walk people through the entire process: Part III for example defines terms and notes the expected costs/revenues that will result in this plan.  He’s also providing a helpful household cost calculator from the Tax Foundation in every post that he’s doing on the subject.  Michael’s been involved with Texas energy policy for over a decade now, and the information that he’s providing here should be helpful for people trying to fight off the attempt of Beverly Hills and North Boston to dictate how much electrical power the rest of the country gets.

It should also be helpful for people trying to decide who to support for the Senate seat, if/when Senator Hutchison vacates it this fall.

Moe Lane

*A job which these days has nothing to do with railroads, and pretty much everything to do with Texan oil and gas development – which is why it’s an elected position, and why he’s qualified to discuss energy policy.

Full disclosure: I am in regular contact with the Michael Williams campaign, and I endorse him as a replacement to Senator Hutchison, should she resign her Senate seat.

Crossposted to RedState.

3 thoughts on “Michael Williams examines the cap-and-trade bill.”

  1. You know, I really hadn’t looked at Williams much, being kind of burned out after the last round of elections. But I will say this, on his website he’s at least saying the right things.

    Of course, so did Cornyn, and it only took one term before whatever it is in the water in the DC area got to him, so I don’t know if I should be optimistic or not.

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