One million hits.

I was going to pretend that it wasn’t at least slightly important to me, but honestly: hitcount is one of the three ways that I know that I’m making a difference*. And, by the time that you see this, we’ll have ticked over into over 1 million visits. I was hoping to hit that number in the first year, but it was not to be.

I’m pleased that people have enjoyed, and I hope to continue providing content that pleases; now, hit the tip jar on the sidebar. It goes towards paying for the monthly fees Neil incurs for hosting this million-hit blog.

Moe Lane

*The other two ways, of course, are donations and hate mail.

5 thoughts on “One million hits.”

  1. Are RSS downloads counted? Because I usually only open the web page for longer posts that get truncated by Thunderbird.

  2. Congrats. I like your blog, and am responsible for a few of the visits. Donations do not seem likely in the near future, give my current financial situation, unfortunately.

    If you want some hate mail as a further measure that I am reading you, I could send some. My keyboard does have a CAPSLOCK key, and I know at least a few anglosaxonisms. I’d probably need a topic suggestion, though.

    Thanks again for all the postings, etc.

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