QotD, ‘Hey Rube!’ Edition.

Glenn Reynolds, on watching yet another babbling leftist idiot* snap out of it and realize that he was fed antiwar porn by the current administration:

This keeps happening. Ah, but remember when you now-disappointed Obama supporters were lecturing us about the fierce moral urgency of change? With such overweening self-righteousness? Even as you resolutely failed to look at what was going on, or to inquire into what Obama was actually like? So pardon me, now-disappointed Obama voters, if I point out that you’re rubes. Again, and again.


Indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed.

Moe Lane

PS: We had the natsec limitations of this guy pegged before the election, by the way.  It’s just that his worshipers didn’t want to listen.

*Said idiot believes that Gitmo is the Ninth Bolgia of Hell, that waterboarding is torture, and that 9/11 is an appropriate day to essentially accuse the American people for being racists because they don’t like the idea of the Ground Zero Mosque; please keep this is mind when reading the article.

Crossposted to RedState.

3 thoughts on “QotD, ‘Hey Rube!’ Edition.”

  1. With respect: “Hey Rube!” means there’s gonna be a dustup with the locals, and all male carnies should come running to get in on it.
    “Who’s the rube?” means that someone in this poker game is the fish, and we all are pretty sure we know who it is… though that fact may just be dawning on the fish.

    Not the same thing.

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