Alexi Giannoulias (D CAND, IL-SEN) linked with organized crime. *Again.*

OK, this is a free piece of advice for the Giannoulias campaign: clearly their critical decision path process with regard to accepting assistance needs to be updated.  From now on, they need to absolutely make sure that at some point during the process the question By the way: are you associated in any way with organized crime? be asked of potential assistants – and if the answer is Why, yes, I am! then the assistance needs to be gently rebuffed.

I’m not saying that it would eliminate all the times that Giannoulias attended a fundraiser thrown by a former female associate of the Lucchese family – but it’d certainly cut the frequency of those embarrassing social moments way down.

[H/T NRO’s Battle ’10]

Moe Lane

PS: Mark Kirk for SenateMuch thinner FBI file, presumably.

Crossposted to RedState.

2 thoughts on “Alexi Giannoulias (D CAND, IL-SEN) linked with organized crime. *Again.*”

  1. If an Illinois Democrat refused to associate with the mob, they’d be out 3/4ths their support.

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