#rsrh Daley shows Obama’s… fears?

So… William Daley didn’t like Obamacare, didn’t like Dodd-Frank, and he’s heavily pro-NAFTA and pro-business.

I think that I may agree with Jen Rubin: maybe he’d like a job as a Republican President’s Chief of Staff?  There may be a job opening in 2013*.  That he’s even being considered in the job in the first place by a Democrat is a pretty powerful hint about how we’re doing right now.  Remember: it’s not what the politicians say, it’s what they do.  And right now it looks like what at least one Democratic politician is doing right now is trying to keep from breaking out in fear-sweats.

Moe Lane

*Snark aside, the abortion issue would probably sink that; Daley’s been a little too public on that subject.

One thought on “#rsrh Daley shows Obama’s… fears?”

  1. I figure this is a pre-agreed job swap. Rahm and Daley, all nice and neat. Unless the voters don’t cooperate. But hey! This is Chicago, we can always fix that.

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