#rsrh A head’s-up on the Obama fundraising thing.

I’ve noticed that folks like Jim Geraghty and Legal Insurrection are pointing out that the President’s fund-raising team is currently acting as if they’re absolutely desperate for last-minute contributions to Obama’s reelection campaign.  Like Jim, I’d like to remind folks that back in 2008 the Obama campaign notoriously poor-mouthed its fundraising every month… so don’t be surprised if they try this sort of thing again.  As I’ve noted before, these people aren’t what you’d call real original.  We’ll know in a couple of weeks what the real totals are.

Not that it matters as much this go-round, thanks to the Supreme Court reestablishing some basic free-speech sanity with Citizens United

One thought on “#rsrh A head’s-up on the Obama fundraising thing.”

  1. Oh, I’m quite sure that their traceable in-country donations are less than they want them to be (after all, what politician has ever been truly satisfied with the amount of money they had been given), but fortunately for them, those untraceable donations that originate in foreign countries, those donations that they had never planned on reporting in the first place… well, I’m sure there is a tidy little nest egg being accumulated…

    Relevant blast from the past: http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/08/obamas_donor_contributions_sil.html

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