Just finished Temporary Duty…

…on the Kindle. Temporary Duty was written by frequent commenter here Ric Locke: it’s a first novel, and I enjoyed reading it.  Sort of US Navy Meets Doc EE Smith, with a bit of modern military SF exasperation with current political-cultural trends mixed in.  Pros: interesting character, good use of space opera tropes.  Cons: the ending could have used a little more work and a bit more foreshadowing.  Still, at three bucks for the Kindle* it’s a steal: I read the whole thing more or less in one sitting.

Check it out.

Moe Lane

*I am still surprised at how easy it is to read from a Kindle. If I can ever figure out how to blog from one I’ll be a happy guy…

5 thoughts on “Just finished Temporary Duty…”

  1. I’ll have to throw it in the pile – I’m still working my way through the Hugo list. I kinda feel obligated to at least try to read all of them before voting, and at this point I still have the Connie Willis books to go. I expect those to be relatively entertaining, and in severe need of an editor willing to make her cut about 40% of them, if they follow the pattern of previous books by her.

    Oh, I saw today that the next mainline Honorverse book, A Rising Thunder, has a release date – March 2012. So EArc for it around Thanksgiving probably. Based on the name I’d guess that it’s at least two books from being ‘done’, though.

  2. Thank you, Moe.

    FYI your criticism is a fair cop — the existing ending was put together somewhat hurriedly. For the original, go to my blog and follow the “Fiction” tab.


  3. Moe, if you want to blog and read from the same device, why aren’t you using the iPad? There’s a Kindle app for that, no?

    1. Like everything else about the iPad, except for Netflix – kinda – the Kindle app is kludgy and not all that hot.

      Don’t get me started about the blogging apps, either.

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