NYPD utilizing #OWS for indigent relief efforts?

(Via Jammie Wearing Fool) Which is a polite way of saying “New York cops allegedly loading Zuccotti Park up with real homeless.”

…while officers may be in a no-win situation, at the mercy of orders carried on shifting political winds and locked into conflict with a so-far almost entirely non-violent protest movement eager to frame the force as a symbol of the oppressive system they’re fighting, the NYPD seems to have crossed a line in recent days, as the park has taken on a darker tone with unsteady and unstable types suddenly seeming to emerge from the woodwork. Two different drunks I spoke with last week told me they’d been encouraged to “take it to Zuccotti” by officers who’d found them drinking in other parks, and members of the community affairs working group related several similar stories they’d heard while talking with intoxicated or aggressive new arrivals.

Read, as they say, the whole thing.  And after you do, we’ll discuss.First off, let me surprise some folks: if the cops are doing the above, they shouldn’t be, and they need to stop.  Homeless people are still people, and our societal methods of dealing with them are already sufficiently messed up that we don’t need a situation where they’re being weaponized, aimed, and fired off as part of a civic political battle.  I’m also not grooving on the idea of deliberately putting homeless people – a demographic that is notoriously prone to drug use and psychological dysfunction (and let’s not make bad jokes about this, OK?) – into close contact with a bunch of people who do not actually have a clue about how to handle either.  I despise the Activist Left as much as anyone, but I don’t want to see any of them actually stabbed unless they’re out there wielding a weapon*.

So far, so bleeding-heart of me.  Fine, I’ll take that hit.  However: the last major reason why this policy offends me is because it’s what my father called ‘sneak behavior’ (actually, he called it something slightly differently than that, but the original is too scatological to repeat).  If – as the NY Daily News suggests – the NYPD really is pumping homeless in Zuccotti Park because the Bloomberg administration doesn’t want to confront the Occupiers, then the Bloomberg administration needs to resign en masse, from the Mayor on down.  The Bloomberg administration is being cowardly for not dealing with the Occupiers for what they are: a collection of illegal squatters engaged in multiple violations of local housing, zoning, public health, and public safety codes. It’s long past time that they stop engaging in those violations – and it’s even longer past the time that these people have it made clear to them that there’s a reason why the first words of the First Amendment that the Occupiers pretend to worship is Congress shall make no law.

What’s that?  Zuccotti Park is private property?  Fine.  Does Brookfield Office Properties have the necessary permissions and OKs to permit Occupy Wall Street’s activities? – That’s a rhetorical question: no, Brookfield does not.  So if the owner of record is uninterested in bringing its property back in compliance with code, then the city needs to intervene.  That means:

  • Go in.
  • Remove every person from the park, and prevent them from re-entry.
  • Throw everything in the park that doesn’t belong to Brookfield into a dumpster.
  • Scrub down the place.
  • Enforce existing city code in the future.
  • Arrest everybody who tries to stop the police from doing the first five items on this list.  Let them enjoy a tour of the NYC court system, starting with a night at Riker’s Island.

That’s what Rudy Giuliani would have done.  Although I doubt he would have let things get this far.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: No, I don’t expect that Michael Bloomberg will do any of this.  He’s always been a child’s model, a slave’s flattery, of Rudy.

*But when one of them so much as picks up a rock, then that rule changes.

5 thoughts on “NYPD utilizing #OWS for indigent relief efforts?”

  1. It’s almost like the police are looking for a way to punish…you know…lawbreakers.

  2. Gotta disagree with you on this one. The rabble in Zuccotti Park is living (albeit more comfortably) exactly as the homeless do. Sleeping on the streets, begging for their survival needs, harrassing passers by and breaking myriad laws. Since (as we’ve read recently) valuable law enforcement resources are being stolen by these “occupiers”, resulting in drastic increases in crime elsewhere, why shouldn’t the cops try to corral as many lawbreakers in one area as possible? That makes policing them more efficient, not to mention that the group is acting as a commune and happily re-distributes resources they have begged to others. Since the “occupiers” are being allowed to operate a shadow community with shadow policing, why not let them sort out who they choose to feed and who they turn away? Granted, the streets of NYC are full of dangerous individuals (who woulda’ thunk it?) and these “occupiers” should become more wary, perhaps they will garner a healthy respect for the law enforcement personel they currently loathe….or perhaps they’ll just decide to break camp due to the danger and decide to operate within the legal and political system rather than engaging in some half-hearted attempt to overthrow it. Resources are costly…the cost to the tax payers of NYC have been enormous…this is one way to coaxe a share of that cost back from the lawless denizens of Zuccotti Park. I do believe the police should be making continuous rounds, rousing the campers, “checking on their well-being” and warning them to be vigilant…24-7.

  3. *shrug*. The “99%” want to make a public claim that they have the market on empathy cornered and that their opponents are heartless scum: fine, bucko- show us how YOU handle the problems.

  4. I suppose if they really wanted to punish them they could swap out the vegan food with McRibs…

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