#rsrh :raised eyebrow: Occupy Chicago getting advice from Bill Ayers?

On non-violence?


Well, I suppose that, given his track record in teaching the skills of violence, this method is somewhat less likely to splatter fumble-fingered revolutionary blood, guts, and grey matter all over the nearest wall*.  Although, knowing Bill Ayers, if there’s a possible way that he can get yet more Marxist idiots (but I repeat myself) killed, he’ll manage it…

Hey, Ayers should be grateful that America isn’t actually a police state, friends.  A police state would have forthrightly shot him and his fellow domestic terrorist wife twenty years ago and dumped him in the nearest mass grave.  Which would be immoral, of course; which is why America doesn’t do that sort of thing.

Unlike, say, Commies.

(Via Hot Air Headlines)

Moe Lane

*Actually, I’m very pleased with the sacrifices made by the Weathermen.  They struck a powerful blow for freedom and justice when they blew themselves up; why, if it weren’t for the Weathermen’s inability to master basic demolitions, somebody innocent might have gotten killed by those bombs.

2 thoughts on “#rsrh :raised eyebrow: Occupy Chicago getting advice from Bill Ayers?”

  1. “Although, knowing Bill Ayers, if there’s a possible way that he can get yet more Marxist idiots (but I repeat myself) killed, he’ll manage it…”

    So Bill Ayers is a pseudonym for Charles Darwin?

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