#rsrh #ows Mother risks daughter out of sheer narcissism.

Behold the glory of our educational system: it gives us Occupiers (and other fools) who do not understand the concept of ‘inertia,’ and are about as equally unlikely to know how to spell it.  I cannot believe that I actually have to type this out: if you deliberately put your four year old child on railroad tracks in order to block a moving train, then you have failed as a parent.

You can have “faith in humanity” all you want, but THE LAWS OF PHYSICS do not care.  It is difficult to stop a multi-ton railed vehicle, once it gets started.  It does not matter how fast the vehicle is going; it will still crush you if you do not get out of its way*.  All the good intentions in the world will not help you.

If you recognize this woman, I beg you: keep her away from your children.

Moe Lane*From the Hot Air Headlines comments section, which I believe illustrates this point fairly straightforwardly.

Note that the cow did not even cause the train to slow down.  This is a common theme in Train vs. Animal videos, of which YouTube has a somewhat distressing number.

10 thoughts on “#rsrh #ows Mother risks daughter out of sheer narcissism.”

  1. The laws of physics are arbitrary, racist, and not woman- or GLBT-friendly. They were undoubtedly formulated by Republicans, and are an outrage that can no longer be borne by Progressive-thinking people. Newton is a dead white male! Free the gravity-bound!


  2. But Ric, wait! The laws of physics are, in part, the result of consensus. Nevermind that physics, as we understand it right now, can’t explain things like black holes. Facts are irrelevant in the face of consensus. Like AGW, polar ice caps melting, rising seas, air pollution. Consensus rules all!!!

  3. I had a nice, witty and succinct answer regarding that woman. But after reading Ric’s post, I’m just going to sit quietly in the corner.

  4. Physics can explain black holes just fine, BCochran. It’s the implications of black holes that give trouble.

    Doesn’t matter. Clearly Einstein was part of the International Zionist Conspiracy, which is why it’s impossible to actually go to Planet Progressive.


  5. Well, I guess it’s more the combo of gravity and physics that don’t work. Gravitational strength is supposed to be relative to the size of the object. Black holes don’t conform.
    Einstein was a Bilderberger!
    And that’s why we’re using consensus to bring Planet Progressive here!

  6. Actually Moe, I find it somewhat disturbing that you know where on the net to find film of trains hitting animals.

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