I believe that the problem is that the two words are linked, Glenn.

Now, I understand that it’s a big world out there, and I generally feel that ‘consenting adults’ covers a multitude of situations, including the one that we’re about to talk about.  But as a personal matter I feel that the words ‘penis’ and ‘tattoos’ should never be, ah, linked: and like Glenn Reynolds I feel that this is a cautionary tale.

Penis Tattoo Leads to Permanent Erection

For a given value of cautionary:

“Because of the painless nature of erections, moderately good preservation of erectile function during intercourses, and disappointment with former surgery, the patient has declined to undergo further therapies, and lives with his condition.”

Yeah.  Thirty years ago they would have tried to replicate the procedure, probably.

3 thoughts on “I believe that the problem is that the two words are linked, Glenn.”

  1. Seems like there should be a real question of mental competence for any guy who would answer yes to the question “would you like the stabby needle poker pressed repeatedly on your wedding tackle?”


    Also, being a tattoo artist must be pretty awful sometimes.

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