#rsrh …I give up; the post will not gel. Just read this link.

(H/T: RCP) It’s via the San Diego Union-Tribune, and it’s pretty harsh about the White House’s decision to ignore the consciences of religious-backed organizations when it comes to mandating that health plans cover birth control.  Of particular interest is this sentence:

An Associated Press story Thursday depicted administration officials as surprised by the furor, with none ready to strongly defend the policy – and no one able to offer a strong rationale for exempting churches from birth-control coverage mandates on religious liberty grounds but not church-run organizations dedicated to religious values.

It’s almost as if the Obama administration doesn’t understand that people remember it when you lie to them in the past; and that if you do it often enough nobody feels obligated to give you the benefit of the doubt anymore.

Moe Lane

13 thoughts on “#rsrh …I give up; the post will not gel. Just read this link.”

  1. For that matter they feel no obligation yo continue supporting any of a Party of proven Liars anymore. This is going to be a very bad year to be a Democrat!

  2. If you haven’t watched Marco Rubio’s pro-life speech yet, do it. I think that fella’s gonna be President one day. Hopefully soon.

  3. It’s almost as if the Obama administration doesn’t understand that people remember it when you lie to them in the past; and that if you do it often enough nobody feels obligated to give you the benefit of the doubt anymore.

    Have you ever dealt with any pathological liars? This particular breed of sociopath has an interesting modus operandi — when you catch one in a lie, he doubles down. He becomes outraged that you doubt his word (even when the deceit is obvious), and he covers his lies with bigger lies.

    And in my unfortunate experience, many such people also have Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

    Just watch …

  4. Why would they care? Wasn’t the whole point to force Catholic hospitals and other charitable services to close, so that more people would be forced to depend on government aid?

  5. It’s been my conviction for a while now that B. Obama can best be understood as a sock puppet. He’s egotistic to the point of solipsism, and people like that are so easy to manipulate that it isn’t even fun. In this case, his inverted notion of Christian theology just makes it easy to convince him that it was his idea in the first place.

    The question then becomes who’s the ‘Shari Lewis’ in that scenario. Jarrett, perhaps? Whoever it is isn’t particularly finicky. If it was me, I’d be easily identifiable by the long rubber glove, like the ones veterinarians wear when dealing with colic or pregnancy in horses and cows.


  6. PubliusNV hit the nail on the head. This is not about votes Moe, this is about “transforming America” into a socialist nanny state (whether we are one or not, is another debate altogether).

  7. “It’s almost as if the Obama administration doesn’t understand that people remember it when you lie to them in the past”
    The Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) are still used to the world in which the Big Three and the NYT defined not just what was ‘news’ but also what was ‘history’. They cannot grasp that people without prestigious New York addresses can move stories.

  8. Hey Moe, is it just me or is this thing starting to get bigger and badder as more people become aware of it?

    1. Catseye… I think so. One thing that’s definitely going on here in a lot of people’s heads was that this was a private fight between them and Holy Mother Church; nobody fucking asked the US government to put an oar in.

  9. That’s what I thought, it seems to keep getting bigger and bigger. Being Historically Illiterate I don’t think Obama had a clue about the Kennedy Coalition or it’s importance to the modern Democrat Party. Good to know.

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