“Para Time, todos parecen igual.”

Or so I’m told.

Protip for Time Magazine: when you do a cover showing Latino voters, use Latinos.

The cover, illustrating Michael Scherer’s story about how Latino voters in Arizona could impact the 2012 presidential election, features the faces of 20 people readers would assume are Latinos.

But at least one of them is not. Michael Schennum, who appears on the cover photo in the top row, half hidden by the letter “M” in Time’s iconic logo, says he is half-White, half-Chinese–and definitely not Latino.

In a rational universe, this wouldn’t be worth bringing up.  Then again, in a rational universe Time magazine wouldn’t be one of the first media organizations out of the gate slavering at the chance to hammer a conservative group or organization that had made a similar oopsie, so to Perdition with them; Time can own this, with my compliments.  I personally recommend mandatory sensitivity training, an abject apology in public, and firing the editorial board…

Via AoSHQ.