Actually, one prediction about the Colorado shooting aftermath: an end to cosplay?

Expect a lot of restrictions – if not outright bans – on people attending movie premieres dressed in costume.


3 thoughts on “Actually, one prediction about the Colorado shooting aftermath: an end to cosplay?”

  1. The world is a broken place.

    When I heard about the gas mask and such my first thought was some dork playing way too many RPG’s.

    My second thought was that rabid dogs should be put down. I am so sick of trying to “understand” these twisted monsters and “getting them help”. A quick trial and a short walk out the back of the building.

  2. “A quick trial and a short walk out the back of the building.”
    That *IS* the help they need.

  3. I’m all for a short drop and a quick stop, but I do get the need to study and understand these people. Not to empathize, but to recognize and deal with earlier.

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