Yet another thinly-disguised, self-serving tip jar post.

So, is this the secret?

Ask for a small amount, and state a purpose? Makes sense. OK. Ten bucks for the Moe Lane Needs an Xbox* Pledge Drive!

Or something.

Moe Lane

*Or maybe a PlayStation 3, sure. Wii U? …Apparently not available yet.

6 thoughts on “Yet another thinly-disguised, self-serving tip jar post.”

  1. When someone buys something from Amazon through your site, do you see what they bought?

    Because the habanero pickles were mine. Don’t judge me, its a cry for help.

  2. Moe, I’d hit the tip jar just because I I’m a fan, but I need one for myself, I’m afraid…..

  3. No one is ever *obligated* to hit the tip jar. Unless you’re (generic) on the cusp of doing it; then yeah, you should for the sake of your own sense of self. 🙂

  4. Just saying that I think what you do is worth money, even though the current economic conditions (by far the worst I have ever seen) have left me with none.

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