Ah, Obama’s finally admitting that Michigan has become… problematic.

Obama for America’s finally buying ad time in Michigan (specifically, the Detroit market).  Fortunately, they weren’t listening to me, or they would have done it last week when I pointed out their problem.

This, of course, does not mean that we have won Michigan.  It does mean, however, that a campaign with finite resources – more finite than Romney’s, these days – is getting just a little bit nervous about the map.

Walt Disney to acquire LucasFilm (and it’s worse than you think).

This news is undoubtedly going to have people screaming “DO NOT WANT” for some time, but let me really piddle in your corn flakes: you know all those Star Wars parodies?  All those great ones?  You know how they’re all over the place, largely because George Lucas has the laudable quality of being generally tolerant of people playing in his sandbox?

You notice how that doesn’t happen so much with Disney products?

Yeah.  There’s a reason for that.

Moe Lane

PS: Also: hey, how long can Disney keep its intellectual property out of the public domain?  That’s right, kids: forever!  Or they’ll die trying.  Amazing what you can accomplish when you have the resources to buy a couple of Senators and a bunch of Congressmen…

2012 shaping up like 2004, on the Generic Congressional Ballot level.

I spent perhaps a bit too much time this morning trying to put the spreadsheet below into graphical form:

Pollster Time R D R +/-
NPR Oct 3/4 43 43 0
NPR Sept 4/4 45 48 -3
Politico Oct 4/4 46 45 1
Politico Oct 3/4 46 46 0
Politico Oct 2/4 44 46 -2
Politico Oct 1/4 45 46 -1
Politico Sept 4/4 44 46 -2
Politico Sept 3/4 45 47 -2
Rasmussen Oct 4/4 46 43 3
Rasmussen Oct 3/4 44 43 1
Rasmussen Oct 2/4 42 43 -1
Rasmussen Oct 1/4 43 44 -1
Rasmussen Sept 4/4 45 41 4
Rasmussen Sept 3/4 44 43 1
Rasmussen Sept 2/4 44 43 1
Rasmussen Sept 1/4 42 44 -2

It shows the current pollsters checking the Generic Congressional Ballot, as per RCP.  Most of the labels are self-explanatory: “R +/-” represents the amount by which Republicans are ahead/behind on any given poll.  RCP’s current average is R+1.3, which represents a strong shift towards the Republicans in the last month among all three pollsters: 5 points for Rasmussen, 4 points for Politico, and 3 for NPR (although ‘shift’ is possibly the wrong word for the last one, given that there’s only been two polls).

Continue reading 2012 shaping up like 2004, on the Generic Congressional Ballot level.

Tweet of the Day, The Media Wants Romney To Die In A Fire edition.

There are a lot of people in the mainstream media business who need to start understanding that social media is always watching them. Always.

Welcome to the Age of Scrutiny, kids. Either own your biases, or hide them better.

ProTip: don’t make stupid signs and let your roommate take pictures of them.

(Via Instapundit) Karma… can be a bit of a rough mistress sometimes.  Meet Kim Stafford, Obama voter who thought it’d be entertaining to mock up a somewhat bigoted and offensive sign attacking the Tea Party.  She then allowed it to be photographed.  It then ended up on the Internet.  And then the Online Left started the threats:

…people said awful things. They said she should be raped. They said she should kill herself.


“The party I’m a part of because I’m tolerant and I think that homosexuals should be able to get married – the group of people that I associate with – can be just as cruel as the people I disagree with,” she said.

Continue reading ProTip: don’t make stupid signs and let your roommate take pictures of them.

Obama for America: Go phone bank! …In the middle of the hurricane!

Spoiler warning: DON’T.

You have got to be kidding me.

…For those who can’t see the photo: Fox News is reporting an email where Obama for America asked for volunteers to man the Annapolis, MD phone banks, starting at 5:30 PM this afternoon.  At that point, Hurricane Sandy will be descending upon the Chesapeake Bay area and will make landfall some time between 8 PM this evening and 8 AM tomorrow.  Annapolis is in the possible storm track.  It WILL get hammered by winds, rain, and flooding.


Sheesh.  Are there no adults in Obama for America?  …Sorry, rhetorical question.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Partner of Mark Pocan (D CAND, WI-02) sent threatening texts to attacked Kyle Wood (staffer to R-CAND). [UPDATE: Story Recanted]

[FURTHER UPDATE: Media Trackers retracts, apologizes for putting out the story. My apologies to Mr. Frank for my reaction; it was obviously uncalled for.]

[UPDATE: The police are now reporting that the staffer’s story has been recanted. Absent any evidence to the contrary, this would include the alleged text messages: I look forward with some interest to whether that, at least, can be verified. And yes, you may safely assume that I do not appreciate people lying to the police about things like this. – Moe Lane]

OK, remember the Kyle Wood incident from last week?  Short version is, Kyle Wood is a staffer for Chad Lee, the Republican candidate for WI-02, which is Tammy Baldwin’s current district.  Chad is opposed by Mark Pocan.  Tammy Baldwin happens to be gay.  Mark Pocan happens to be gay.  Kyle Wood happens to be gay.  And Kyle Wood was assaulted in his home last week, allegedly for being a gay Republican who was out of the closet and supporting a straight Republican running in a Democratic district.  This is a real story: the cops are looking for “Male, white, mid-20s, 6′-6’2″, curly brown hair, broad nose, with a muscular build.”

Now, let’s meet Philip Frank.

[picture removed]

Continue reading Partner of Mark Pocan (D CAND, WI-02) sent threatening texts to attacked Kyle Wood (staffer to R-CAND). [UPDATE: Story Recanted]