It’s… weird. I’m kind of half-bored with talking about the election for right now.

At least in a post; there’s really only so many ways that you can say Well, that sucked.  But there’s really nothing much else happening today.  i mean, we got Harry Reid feeling his oats and promising to change the filibuster – well, more accurately, threatening to change the filibuster. Whether the trigger gets pulled on that is an interesting question, but not one that will be answered today.

I guess that we’ll have to wait for history to turn itself back on again.  Shouldn’t be long…

4 thoughts on “It’s… weird. I’m kind of half-bored with talking about the election for right now.”

  1. It’s like when your favorite teams loses a championship game, there is a sense of letdown, plus.its too soon to talk about next season, have to see how the draft goes. Weird part is that I spent a lot of time on the Internet reading about the election over the last year, I almost don’t know what to do with my free time

    1. Exactly how I feel. Staying off Facebook until any possible gloating/good feelings from my liberal friends subside, and there’s just not much to talk about now.

      Oddly enough, I have to go to (and participate in) my grandmother’s funeral on Friday, and it will likely help cheer me up a bit. Not because of my grandmother dying, of course, but just being around family I don’t see often.

  2. re: getting rid of the filibuster- I’ve got one foot on the “gotta let her hit rock bottom before it gets better” bandwagon. At least they won’t be able to blame George Bush anymore, right?. . . right??

    1. Now that the Hoover is long forgotten, the left have Bush as the bad guy that will be blamed for the next 50 years

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