7 thoughts on “New Storify: Vet the campaign’s consultants.”

  1. Moe, would you consider setting up a “stats database” at moelane.com or elsewhere so those of us outside baseball can check consultants’ history?
    I recall Erick over at Red State loudly denouncing some of McCain’s crew, similar to this, but then…. no follow-through.

    1. acat: depends. Do you have a couple of hundred grand handy to pay for it? 🙂

      That cash is a guesstimation of how much it’d cost to get a website and a researcher or two for a couple of years, but it’s not too much off… and that’s part of the problem. Nobody wants to actually pay for this stuff. They just want it.

            1. No, this is how we lose. We keep letting them get away with not paying us to do work that needs to be done. If they can give a consultant 80 million to not elect a President, they can darn well pay a lot less to get something that will work. 🙂

          1. Which “they”, Moe?
            The politicians don’t have it .. unless the donors come across .. and the consultants have the roledexes.
            The consultants don’t want this in public view… they will work against it.
            The donors either don’t care .. although they should.. or have their own private data store.
            So. Maybe we should write a proposal and approach one of the Vegas types?

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