This is the Platonic Ideal of “Politicians feeling entitled to special behavior.”

I mean, it doesn’t get any more stark than this:

A state lawmaker in Georgia is so perturbed that someone used Photoshop to put his head on a porn star’s body that he now wants any kind of lewd Photoshopping to be banned.

…Speaking as someone who has actually been Photoshopped myself, I suggest that state representative Earnest (no, really) Smith (D, of course) is being a bit of a, well, wimp about it.  Smith would have been much better off quietly chortling that he’s apparently gotten under a critic’s skin like that; instead, it’s pretty clearly the other way around.

Amateurs.  We’re getting rank amateurs these days…


Moe Lane

7 thoughts on “This is the Platonic Ideal of “Politicians feeling entitled to special behavior.””

  1. Mandatory Streisand Effect training should be in place for all public officials, CEOs, public representatives of companies and small business owners.

  2. Many people on the left make no distinction between “you shouldn’t do that” and “you shouldn’t do that and we’ll send you to prison if you do.”

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