Charlie’s Cristing again: this time, on gay marriage.

He’s apparently now for it.  And the Washington Post itself is snarking over why, although it’s subtle:

In his Facebook post, Crist did not discuss when or why his personal views on the issue have changed.

There’s gotta be a timeline for this sort of thing, you see.  Timeline, paper trail, and perhaps a lot of loud distractions from questions like “Didn’t you use to be the most Republican Republican that ever Repubkicked a can?”

Moe Lane

PS: You know, it’s funny.  I used to be a Democrat.  When I switched sides, I kept a few of my existing opinions on social policies (I am not particularly a social conservative, unless being basically pro-life these days counts).  In particular, I support same-sex marriage. And yet, I’ve never felt the need, either professionally or privately, to either recant my earlier views, or to hide them. And yet, if Charlie wants to be governor again he apparently has to – has to – admit to being a bald-faced liar on the subject.

I don’t know whether that’s more of a judgement on the Democratic party, or of Charlie Crist.

7 thoughts on “Charlie’s Cristing again: this time, on gay marriage.”

  1. My wife insists he’s going to be running for president. At this point I don’t see how he can get out of the primary. I don’t dislike the guy, quite the contrary, but he’s not exactly making a lot of friends these days, at least not with the type of republicans who vote in primaries.

  2. JBird… you’re thinking of Chris Christy Gov of New Jersey. Charlie Crist is the orange, former Republican Gov, former conservative, newly Democratic, always “say anything, be anything, to get a vote” sleazeball running for Gov of Florida. He’s the guy Rubio beat (twice) in 2010 for Senate.

    1. I will admit to reading the piece thinking Chris Christie .. I somehow didn’t catch that it was Orange Charlie until the end….
      That said, given how ambitious Orange Charlie is, and given that he was Gov FL, he is more qualified to be POTUS than Obama or Hillary…
      I wouldn’t count Orange Charlie out in a Dem primary either; I’m expecting the Cult Of Obama to spit up an anointed heir apparent on the far-left, allowing a “moderate” to skate on by.

    2. oh. . . you’re right. I didn’t realize Charlie Christ was still relevant.

      1. Who else have the Dems got, jbird?
        No significant governors without serious ethics issues .. Deval Patrick? Pat Quinn? Bill Richardson? Moonbeam? Granholm?
        No bright young upstarts on the Senate side either, or I missed ’em …
        So .. who is it gonna be? Orange Charlie makes sense, in narrative terms .. “he’s not an extremist” .. and he’s got to have walked away with some backers..
        If the 2016 Dem primary turns into a far-left demolition derby (the way Iowa turns into a “who’s conservative cred is biggest? (and corn)” contest for the GOP…) Orange Charlie could squeak thru.

        1. Corey Booker, if he wins the senate seat, though the similarities to O’Bama might preclude him (African American senator with only 2 years experience in the senate). Cuomo and O’Malley will run. Biden, of course. . . .

      2. Crist, sadly, remains popular particularly compared to the current Gov Scott. How deep that popularity is remains to be seen. The Dems currently seem unhappy, but resigned to a Crist candidacy because they have no one else at the moment. There were some rumblings of having Ben Nelson run against Crist in the primary since Crist is such a transparent fraud and Nelson just won reelection to the Senate last year, but I think that was more wishcasting than anything.

        This election will largely turn on whether Rick Scott can get his (terrible) numbers up enough and remind people of Crist’s sliminess enough. As awful as Crist is, he’s the favorite at the moment.

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