Hey, Banner Latte is updating again!

Banner Latte is run by Eric Burns-White, an old buddy of mine from the last century.  We ran in the same amateur gaming circles; false modesty be darned, but there are few people who I think of as real peers when it comes to writing*. Eric’s on that list; check it out if you’re a nerd.  Which, honestly, I assume many of you are.

Moe Lane

*And now I’m going to look at that above paragraph six billion times, just to make sure that I wrote it in a sufficiently awesome style to justify what is pretty much an unsustainable brag.  Ah, hubris.

2 thoughts on “Hey, Banner Latte is updating again!”

  1. I’m just falsely modest enough to blush at such high praise. Thank you, sir.

    I need to update the blogroll to point to your main site, speaking of which. Do… we still call these things blogrolls?

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