Yup, Joe Biden’s running.

The Iowa Democratic steak fry thing is one thing; this is quite another.

Iowa Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal told the [Des Moines] Register last month that during the Obama inauguration festivities in January, he was invited to a get-together in a tent on the lawn of the vice president’s home.

“I don’t know why, but there seemed to be an awful lot of people from Iowa there and an awful lot of people from New Hampshire there. I heard some folks who talked with a little bit of a southern drawl and I said, ‘Where are you guys from?’ and they said, ‘South Carolina,’” Gronstal said. “I’m not sure why people from all the early states were massively over-represented at a Joe Biden event.”

I assume that Gronstal is being sarcastic.  The good news for Hillary Clinton is that Joe Biden may wish to run, and will even run; but he’s going to be extremely old in 2016 for a President (even older than Reagan in his second term) and probably in poor health.  The bad news for Hillary Clinton is that Biden might still be a more attractive option to Democratic primary voters.  The excellent news is that either candidate will still be easily linked to a President whose approval ratings are stoutly reproducing the trajectory of George W Bush’s.

Moe Lane

PS: Actually, yes, that low an approval rating makes quite a bit of difference.  I should write up my Stupid Face theory of American politics sometime.

4 thoughts on “Yup, Joe Biden’s running.”

  1. If someone connected to the Obama admin runs, and Obama is as unpopular as Bush was in 08, then the GOP should be able to win Pennsylvania.
    Which is why the DNC will not allow anybody connected to the Obama admin to run. They probably won’t want a progressive running either so look for a Phony Moderate.

  2. … Joe Biden may wish to run, and will even run; but he’s going to be extremely old in 2016 for a President (even older than Reagan in his second term) and probably in poor health.
    Ugh. Worst-case scenario: Slow Joe meets his Maker in 2015, Hillary is named VP, media go wild over Historic Administration of First Black President and First Woman Vice-President, anyone who doesn’t vote for HRC in 2016 is automatically a sexist and a racist.

    1. If H! is the Democrat nominee, it’s going to be that line anyways. Look for them to throw the racist line even if the D’s run white/white and the R’s run Indian/Hispanic (Jindal/Cruz in that example). They’ll throw the sexist line without abandon even if the R’s have Haley/Martinez as the ticket.

  3. God Bless Joe Biden. And I do mean that non-sarcastically, I like him (would never vote for him and God help us if he was actually elected), but he is high entertainment.

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