You should be watching @SenTedCruz’s speech right now…

…he’s pretty much saying everything about Washington DC culture that you’d like somebody to say, to their faces.

7 thoughts on “You should be watching @SenTedCruz’s speech right now…”

  1. You’re right. Absolutely wonderful to hear someone publicly say all the things the media manages to hide from the public. He is going over it point by point. That, in itself, should keep him going for at least a month. 🙂

    Though I know Reid isn’t going to let that happen.

    1. And what can Reid really do?
      He calls for cloture and gets the votes, and his options to change the bill become .. limited.

      1. It appears I had this backwards.
        If Reid can get cloture, he only needs 51 votes to remove the defund-Obamacare language.
        What Cruz is trying to do is to get a straight up-or-down vote on the bill – with the defund-Obamacare language *intact*.
        This is a bit tricksy, because the Senate rules are intended to be used by weasels.

  2. How many Senators are standing with Cruz right now? So far I’ve seen Rubio, Lee, Sessions, and Roberts. And I know Vitter will vote to oppose Cloture as well since he’s already announced it.

    1. Can we get a count of the R senators who want to give Reid cover?
      They’re the ones we should be trying to get rid of, after all.
      Mitch McConnell being the first and foremost, I’ll bet McCain and Graham line up to support Reid as well.

  3. This really boils down to a very simple concept: whose side are you on? And if you’re straddling the fence, you’re on the wrong side.

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