9 thoughts on ““Bat Out Of Hell.””

  1. I am never sure exactly where to donate. But Bat Out of Hell just doubled my usual.
    Moe… I would have thought you were too young to really get this album. Okay, see .. I used the term “album” which was correct at the time. LOL The kids and I did “Cleaning Saturdays” to this and the 3 record KTel set of the Supremes. And, Yes, they do still visit their mother.

    1. I remember everything!
      I remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday. I was barely 17, and I once killed a boy with a Fender guitar.

  2. Sorry, after my brain plays “Paradise by the dashboard light”, it immediately skips to “Eddie”…
    Ah, the classics.

  3. This song and this album are both in my all-time top ten of songs and albums. If you get a chance, check out the song Original Sin off the Welcome To The Neighborhood album by Meat Loaf. The album itself is only ok but that song is great.

  4. Jim Steinman also wrote and produced the songs Diane Lane “performed” in Streets of Fire: Tonight is What It means to Be Young and Nowhere Fast.

    Waiting for the Blu-ray.

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