Contra @BrianFaughnan, only one so far:
The [exquisitely painful Senate] hearing [for HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius] came on the same day that the Obama administration announced that the chief information officer at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, whose office supervised the creation of the troubled federal website, was retiring.
The official, Tony Trenkle, will step down on Nov. 15 “to take a position in the private sector,” said an email message circulated among agency employees.
As the agency’s top information officer, Mr. Trenkle supervised the spending of $2 billion a year on information technology products and services, including development of, the website for the new health insurance marketplace.
So far. But don’t worry: vigorous applications of corrective corporeal punishment towards staffers have been made permanent action items on the checklist, and have been automatically renewed until a pre-determined benchmark of heightened employee job satisfaction level has been reached. So that problem’s solved.
Anyway, that’s not even the problem for Sebelius and her fellow Democrats. This is the problem:
Breaking on The Kelly File tonight new numbers on health insurance cancellations.
— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) November 6, 2013
3.8 million is not quite the popular vote margin between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in the 2012 election, but it’s getting there. And we haven’t even heard from some of the biggest states in the country yet.
Moe Lane (crosspost)
What company is Mr. Trenkle going to by the way I want to make sure I don’t own any stock in it? It sure doesn’t bode well for that companies future.
*IF* Obamacare survives (Κύριε ελέησον!) that might be a very good company indeed to invest in. Mr. Trenkle may have done some quite useful things during his tenure as CIO at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services … not useful to you or to me, but very useful to certain specific companies that provide information technology products.
“3.8 million is not quite the popular vote margin between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in the 2012 election”
According to Politico it was 3,476,775 different. But, even if it was larger than 3.8m, if you take 3.8m away from Obama and then give 3.8m to Romney, you comfortably cover the difference.
Huh. Wikipedia had it just under 5 million.
Question, concerning VA’s results, what are our chances in Virginia against Warner, and who could we run? Do we need to draft him? and If we do who?
The top five most populous states are, in order as of the 2010 census, California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois.
The list above includes three (Cali, NY, Fla) of the five.
The next 5 (i.e. 6-10) are Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia, Michigan, and North Carolina.
The list above includes two (Penn, Ga) of the five, for a total of 50% of the top ten and 66% of the top five.
I presume, therefore, that you’re waiting to see how bad Texas, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, and North Carolina are?
Up to 4.2 million as of tonight.