Schadenfreude Watch: 11:35 AM Eastern time. #obamacare

That’s when the President… oh, let the Wall Street Journal have its scoop:

The White House on Thursday will announce a plan for allowing insurance companies to continue offering existing individual insurance policies even if they fall short of the coverage standards set by the 2010 health-care law, a Democratic official briefed on the plan said.

Anyway, the President is apparently under the impression that he can unilaterally order insurers to continue to offer soon-to-be-cancelled plans to people who are about to lose them, without legislation and without any side-effects. Or, more cynically: Barack Obama isn’t under that impression, but he really really needs Congressional Democrats to eat just one more sh*t sandwich on his behalf. Either way, it should be compelling TV.

Moe Lane


15 thoughts on “Schadenfreude Watch: 11:35 AM Eastern time. #obamacare”

  1. And yet the House has not sued over Obama unilaterally changing, delaying, and ignoring duly debated and passed legislation. To me, that’s the point even more important than Obamacare because it threatens our form of governance and the balance of power.

    1. What standing is required for that to happen, jbird, and have all of the other forms of remediation been danced through?
      *IF* the Supremes slap down Phan Poopypants Obama, they will do so by hamstringing future GOP POTUSes as well.

    2. The “Secretary shall determine” provisions allow for a very broad scope of discretionary authority…just enough to make the actions of the Executive branch “plausible”. That’s how the legislation was designed.

  2. I’m more cynical than your “more cynically”. It’s just cover so his supporters/enablers can blame the evil insurance companies. Denouncing is what they do. There will be a full-throated roar by the end of the week. That it doesn’t make a lick of sense, is something they hope to drown out.

    1. The solution is “set the insurers an impossible task, then hope they catch enough blame to keep Dem congresscritters from stampeding and/or getting voted out en mass in 2014.”
      Cat wonders whether – assuming the Stupid Party don’t Stupid too badly – controlling one entire third of government would be a game-change.

      1. Naw, the Stupid Party will somehow Stupid it’s way out of this.
        Mitch will blow all 40 million of his cash in the primary and then get beat narrowly by the “war on wimmens” meme.

        1. If I had to pick one GOP senator up for re-election in 2014 I’d like to see go down in a flaming death-spiral, it’d probably be Mitch… but it won’t happen.

          1. Graham just costs the gutless McCain wing a vote .. Mitch throws the whole hierarchy into chaos.

  3. And his Executive order is already crashing and burning on the line of distrust he has established. Landrieu will keep moving ahead with her legislative fix and Washington State Commissioners are going to ignore the illegal order to ignore the law. Pretty funny that the President has given the power to refute the Presidents will to people that far down the chain of command.

    1. You just don’t understand the Eleventy Dimensional Chess he’s playing….
      We have Wile E. Coyote for president.

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