So, I finished Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea (Part I) today (no spoilers).

My reaction to it: well, Rapture itself was gorgeous, the game play was a bit more challenging, and… I’m not really getting why Elizabeth did what she did. DLC add-ons have an unhappy history of muddying the original game message, but I was hoping that the Bioshock team would have a better handle on that problem.  Then again, I’m only halfway through the actual DLC: hopefully, Part II will address my issues.

Moe Lane

3 thoughts on “So, I finished Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea (Part I) today (no spoilers).”

  1. Yeah, I agree. It did erode the ending a bit in order to inject a reason to go back to Rapture. A needless rehash of Infinite shrunk down to 2 hours. And now… what are we to expect in Part 2? Elizabeth as Booker, running around with weapons shooting stuff?

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