#Obamacare tanking among the uninsured.

This Kaiser Obamacare poll should be setting off alarm bells in the White House:

Uninsured Americans — the people that the Affordable Care Act was designed to most aid — are increasingly critical of the law as its key provisions kick in, a poll released Thursday finds.This month’s tracking poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 47 percent of the uninsured said they hold unfavorable views of the law while 24 percent said they liked it. These negative views have increased since December, when 43 percent of the uninsured panned the law and 36 percent liked it.

…but whether it actually will or not remains to be seen. David Freddoso runs through the possible reasons why the uninsured are souring on the law (short version: they’re finally taking a look at it)… and the rest of this original post will probably become its own post, at some point.  It went rather far afield.

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