Heliocentric theory has a well-known conservative Republican bias.

Of course I’m going to mock the Left for this. Karma, baby, karma: if I have to listen to cr*p about how Republicans don’t believe in evolution*, then I will happy to respond about how Democrats don’t believe that the Earth revolves around the sun.  Until maybe we can all shaddap about these surveys for a change?


Because I haven’t even brought up the astrology thing.  Trust me, I can still bring up the astrology thing, if you like.

Moe Lane

*Depending on who you ask, I am either an evolutionist (I think that the universe is billions of years old, and the basic concepts of evolutionary biology make sense to me) or a creationist (I believe in a God that is perfectly capable of creating this situation). Entertainingly, when it comes to competing religious adherents I find young-Earth creationists to be infinitely less tedious than hardcore atheists on this topic: the former generally just think I’m wrong, while the latter often take my position as an intolerable affront to their faith. Score that as you will.

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