Illinois businesses now shedding work-hours, thanks to #Obamacare.

If you want less of something, you tax it. Thanks to the – I almost said “Byzantine,” but your average Byzantine Empire bureaucrat would be insulted at the slight to his competence, and for good reason – thanks to the insanely complicated nature of Obamacare, it pretty much acts as a tax on generating full-time jobs.

Guess what happened?

No, go on. Guess.

In Illinois, three employment sectors fall into both the lowest-paid and lowest work hours categories: retail trade, food and beverage, and general merchandise. They comprise about one-fifth of the state’s total employment. Of these three sectors, all three have average work hours of less than 30 hours per week. The law’s threshold for full-time is 30 hours.

Between 2011 and 2013, Illinois has lost the equivalent of about 63,000 jobs in these sectors through reduced work hours. That is close to the total number of jobs added in all sectors in the state during the past year.

It is important to note that, before ObamaCare was passed, the average work hours remained steady for these sectors in Illinois, even in the aftermath of the financial crisis. In fact, average work hours increased slightly in two of these sectors between 2008 and 2010. But all three sectors saw dramatic reductions in average work hours after ObamaCare was enacted.

Gee, who would have thunk it? – yes, yes, half of the political blogosphere.  But we don’t count to the folks running the executive branch at the moment, because we’re not the Right Sort Of People.  God save the Republic from all technocrats.

H/T Jim Geraghty.

Moe Lane

PS: I told you so.  In January.  Of 2013.

3 thoughts on “Illinois businesses now shedding work-hours, thanks to #Obamacare.”

  1. This has an on-the-ground effect of supermarket and other store lines being a little longer and moving a tad slower because fewer clerks or more newly hired/trained clerks.
    Surprisingly, it has made it marginally easier for teenagers to find work because instead of 10 people working 30-35 hours, stores now have 12 people working 25-30 hours…

  2. Noticed that too Acat more earnest young faces and fewer weary older faces. I wonder if there has been some sort of weeding process going on behind the scenes getting rid of the less productive and replacing them with younger more productive workers.

  3. Interestingly, an older gentleman working at a local store here said they were having a different problem. They had trouble finding employees willing to get off the dole and take a job at the pay they could offer. Same impact…longer lines. But I guess the salary to stay at home is competitive with supermarket entry level jobs.

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