So, if I ordered a bunch of Dizzy City ninnyhammers, and they only sent over Tommy Vietor…

…I’d still sign the invoice*:

Yeah, Tommy Vietor is the guy that shrugged off his poor grasp of the details of how the administration got an ambassador and three other Americans killed with a breezy Dude, this was, like, two years ago.  Yeah, dude, and you should have refreshed your memory.  You know why the Right won’t stop taking this issue seriously, one and a half years later? It’s because we’re still waiting for the Obama administration to start taking it seriously.  By all available evidence, that might be a while.

Moe Lane

*With apologies to Michael Flynn.

2 thoughts on “So, if I ordered a bunch of Dizzy City ninnyhammers, and they only sent over Tommy Vietor…”

  1. How did this guy get on the National Security Council? What are his qualifications? He certainly doesn’t look old enough to have accumulated the necessary experience.

  2. The poor sap also reopened the question of where Obama was during the attack.
    I believe there is another scandal behind that story.

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