Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is shrinking! People are actually surprised about this!

Probably because they haven’t figured out how to blame it on global warming yet.

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope recently measured the famous crimson storm on the face of Jupiter at less than half the size it was a couple centuries ago (25,500 miles across) and researchers aren’t certain of the cause

I’m not being entirely facetious, mind you. What’s basically happening here is that the Spot – which is, of course, a giant storm cloud of exotic gasses, and not anything resembling a permanent geological formation – is altering, and we don’t apparently quite have either the math or the science to model why.  Here on Earth, whenever something like that comes up… well, you can always get a paper accepted that blames the situation on climate change.  It doesn’t even have to be the main focus; just genuflect at the altar a couple of times and you’re golden.

Or…’ green,’ I guess.

Moe Lane

PS: Hey, I’m cheerfully cynical again!  I must be feeling better.

6 thoughts on “Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is shrinking! People are actually surprised about this!”

  1. Hey, Global Warming is suppose to INCRESE the number and size of hurricanes, not make them smaller! Based on these “facts” I just made up, of course it is global warming Moe! Duh!

  2. This is obviously caused by emmisions from the Voyager I probe (or V’GER as it is now known). This is an obvious sign that NASA must stop senseless space exploration and focus on its primary mission of global warming alarmism (hey, done and done).

  3. Well, to the extent that contemporary global sort-of-warming is due to changes in solar output over time (and for all we know, that extent is total – we simply don’t understand long-term climate very well right now, and what we do understand has to meet a Lysenko-class ideological test if it’s to be preserved), its entirely possible that this is in fact related to changes we see in our own climate. It’s the same Sun shining on both planets, as far as we know…

  4. What part of “G2 Variable Star” is so unclear?
    How do the latter-day druids not *get* that “variable” means “*VARIABLE*”?
    The only thing stupider’n that are the #OWS types who are still confused about why their movement didn’t accomplish jack when it emulated Ghandi and MLK…

  5. If I remember correctly, the giant red spot has decreased in size several times in the past, only to increase in size again months or years later.

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