And Hagel approaches the Place of Sacrifice:

The last question asked at Monday night’s closed-door briefing of members of the House of Representatives was a simple one: Who made the decision to transfer five top Taliban officials held at Guantanamo Bay to Qatar in exchange for the return of the Taliban’s lone American POW, Army sergeant Bowe Bergdahl?

According to Buck McKeon, the chairman of the House Armed Services committee, the Obama administration’s briefers told he gathered House members that the person responsible for the decision to make the deal was not President Obama but Chuck Hagel, the secretary of defense.

Via Jim Geraghty. But the President still has some defenders: “Democrat Jan Schakowsky of Illinois said she was upset over the “demonization” of Bergdahl and the administration’s decision, which she called a “perfect solution.””

Thank God Jan Schakowsky’s on our side in this one! …Said absolutely nobody, ever.

Moe Lane

14 thoughts on “OBAMABUS *HUNGERS*, Chuck Hagel!”

        1. What. The. #@*% was that?! I am literally agape, chin flopping against my chest….. I had to watch it three times to be sure I had seen….. whatever that was.

  1. Given the Obama administration’s Marxist tendencies (in both the Karl and Groucho senses of the word), there is no shortage of sacrificial candidates.

  2. Obamabus has not been fed in .. some time. Sebilius was tough and stringy.
    Obamabus is likely to go feral if it isn’t better treated..

      1. Perhaps Eric Holder will provide additional sustenance for dread Cthulhu The Bus.

        1. I am glad you corrected that, the Great Cthulhu would never stoop to being Obama’s bus

      2. Huh, did he get tossed under? He didn’t even make a bump discernible from regular road noise when he went.

        1. Obamabus has grown, Shinseki’s position was very small* ..
          * Long explanation: Art Chance’s Rule says “On the first day, a new governor should fire everyone he legally can, and a few he legally can’t, just to make his point.”
          Shinseki should have cleaned house when he was put in charge .. but he didn’t.
          Worse, he didn’t because he *couldn’t*, the head of the VA can’t fire *anyone*.
          Think about that for a minute, and you’ll see why Shinseki never could get traction.

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