ISIS gearing up for an actual War On Women, and pretty much everyone else.

It’s the usual that you can expect from Islamist fanatics: no freedom of religion, assembly, no public graves, no alcohol or drugs, no women allowed outside unless absolutely necessary – and wearing restrictive, depersonalizing clothing when they do – and, of course, nothing resembling a secular state.  The liberal American Left would absolutely hate living in those portions of Iraq and Syria that ISIS ends up controlling, not least because the second they got caught they’d be taken somewhere and then beheaded for the benefit of Islamist murder porn websites.  Because that’s what happens.

Am I angry?  Yes. In 2009 we handed over what was at least a functional situation to the Democrats, and as long as the Democrats continued to do precisely the same things (well, as well as they could) as we did things seemed… stable enough.  But apparently that wasn’t enough.  And now we’re going to have a load of pain in the Middle East until the grown-ups start running the American government again.


Moe Lane

PS: Oh, we’ll get through it.  But like T.H. White’s King Arthur, I assign a value to Middle Easterner’s life and limbs: the value assigned by the Middle Easterners themselves.  They aren’t cardboard cutouts that move, ten years of antiwar agitprop to the contrary.

PPS: Sure, great, have the Iranians come on in. Does no one in this administration know how to read?

10 thoughts on “ISIS gearing up for an actual War On Women, and pretty much everyone else.”

  1. Taking ground that you have already taken has a habit of being far more costly and bloody then it was the first time.

  2. Look at it as a Good News / Bad News situation.
    The bad news is ISIS has achieved “fuck you” money by robbing the Mosul central bank, but the good news is George Clooney’s “Three Kings” is relevant again….
    p.s. Not so classical ref:

  3. I think this is more of a situation that Obama simply doesn’t care and/or thinks he can blame this on Bush…

    1. Oh, that’s already happening. Had a conversation with a liberal who blamed the initial war on Cheney/Haliburton and completely ignored the parallels to Germany, Japan, and South Korea .. i.e. “we broke it, we bought it, it’s gonna take a while to fix”.

      1. I fully supported the war, and still do.
        That said, I was of the opinion that the best option was to roll in, install Chalabi, and hand him a pile of bills with which to purchase the loyalty of enough major players to make a go of it.
        Bush’s idealism was laudable. He’s a better man than I, and I give him full credit for that.
        But sometimes, it’s better to be a cynical bastard. Especially when foreign policy is the topic.
        Of course, just being a cynical bastard isn’t enough to ensure good decisions. Obama meets that criteria handily. I think we can all agree that his foreign policy decisions make Bush look like a gosh-darned genius in comparison.

  4. At this point, I don’t see how the situation is salvageable.
    A brutal and bloody on-going proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran is likely the best we can hope for.
    Thank God for fracking. He does bless idiots, drunks, and the USA.
    Of course, Russia benefits more than anyone else. I have t wonder if that’s karma for their doing more than anyone else to actually try and stop this disaster.

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