Blessed are the cheesemakers, for they throw things at the FDA…

…and make the regulatory agency behave:

Late on June 11, the Food and Drug Administration, besieged by the outcry over a newly released document suggesting the agency would start banning cheese makers from aging their products on wooden boards, issued a new statement, putting an end to any likelihood that the practice would be banned – at least in the near future.

Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I knew that the FDA was going to walk this back.  Why?  Because, as Mary Katharine Ham noted (not entirely happily): the folks that normally would be all about pushing the regulatory state are also people that would go Full Metal Bugnuts if the feds took away their fancy foreign cheeses.  Because people are always  the most conservative about the things that they like or know the best.  We see it every time.

4 thoughts on “Blessed are the cheesemakers, for they throw things at the FDA…”

  1. I have to disagree with you a little bit. The only reason the FDA backed off was due to the backlash. Regulatory agencies need to pass restrictions on peoples’ behavior for the same reason you and I need to breathe. They’ll try again, but they will be far more sneaky about it.
    Darn it. Did my cynicism poke its head out again?

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