Sure, Joe Biden thinks that he’s got a shot at 2016.

I don’t know if Glenn Reynolds is any more surprised than I am at the idea that Joe Biden would think that, though. Even if you don’t agree with #2 or #3 in the list below, surely we can all agree with #1 , yes? After all, not having a shot has never stopped Joe Biden from making a run for the nomination anyway.

Anyway, there are three main reasons why Biden thinks that he has a shot:

  1. He’s Joe Biden.  I sometimes wonder what it’s like, there inside Joe Biden’s head. I suspect that it is a place with no soft edges; there are probably no unicorns, but there may be a wise standing stone or two to whisper on the wind the earth lore of the petty-gods.
  2. More pragmatically, he’s the Vice President of the United States. That’s not a bad place from where to launch a Presidential campaign.  It may or may not be the best place, but it’s certainly a legitimate place to start when it comes to getting the nomination.
  3. Look at the field. Seriously. Hillary Clinton is his most likely opponent, and the media has been hammering her ‘inevitability’ mostly because they hope that if they do then nobody will notice that she’s a horrible campaigner with bad political instincts. And after that, there is a deeeeeep chasm before you get to the next clump of candidates, like O’Malley and Schweitzer and Warren.

Personally, I don’t really care whether the Democrats nominate the old white guy with health problems, or the old white woman with health problems. From my point of view, either will be fine. For a given value of ‘fine,’ of course – and it’s a value that the Democratic party would not share.

4 thoughts on “Sure, Joe Biden thinks that he’s got a shot at 2016.”

  1. Biden, in his heart of hearts, has to know that his best shot at the White House is something that forces Obama out before 2016 and leaves him to run as an incumbent.

    He would likely be a far better President than King Putt.

    And he’s old enough to remember what pardoning Nixon did to dent Jerry Ford. I’d say ‘he won’t make that mistake’ but he’s Biden, and a Democrat, and allowing one of their own to be held accountable for ANYTHING seems to be impossible.

  2. I hope the Donks nominate O’Malley. Almost as liberal as Warren and without any voter enthusiasm whatsoever.

    1. I’m hoping for Cuomo, personally, although I’ll admit he’s probably smart enough to wait for 2020.

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