‘It’s beginning to look a lot like… 2006.’

OK, so it doesn’t scan.  The quality of my political filking is probably not the Democrats’ worst problem right now, though:

I could spend several hundred words going over that graph of Barack Obama’s poor, and widening, approval rating – but I’d just be coming up with new and different ways to say That approval rating really sucks for the Democrats. Which it does. And that’s going to translate into bad news for a lot of downticket races If you look over at RCP right now they’re forecasting no net change in the gubernatorial tally. Which is relevant because the Democrats have high hopes of gaining Florida, Maine, and Pennsylvania; it’s just that they’re about to lose Arkansas, Hawaii, and Illinois. And, for that matter: the Democrats lost a lot of governorships last time. They probably would have preferred to get the Midwest back, honestly.

Anyway. Nice place to be, four months or so out. Nice place to be.

4 thoughts on “‘It’s beginning to look a lot like… 2006.’”

    1. I don’t doubt it for a moment, but hopefully those people can see the need for at least a little reform. If only because fixing Illinois up will give them more chances to skim off of the top.

      1. I’ve made the case, more than once, that New Jersey whale Chris Christie is the Dems’ Valkyrie .. the chooser of their slain.
        That is, Christie won with a hellaton of Dem votes, the Dems – as you documented, Mr. Lane – ran (and then ran away from) a sacrificial lamb of a candidate, and the GOP are a minority in the NJ legislature.
        Anything Christie does, the Dems could block… so his sole role is cleaning up enough of the corruption, killing *some* of the parasites to get the host back to health so the rest of the parasites can thrive.
        Rauner may do as well, not sure .. I really need to get a more up to date evaluation of how blue Illinois suburbs have become.

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