Tweet of the Day, Mitt Romney Does The GOP A Solid edition.

The funny part is, you can easily believe that Mitt Romney means it when he indicates that he won’t run again.

He’s a pretty honest guy, is what I’m saying. Honest. Reliable. Steady. Obviously not good at campaigning, but, shoot, he’s going to make a great Cabinet Secretary in 2017.

10 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Mitt Romney Does The GOP A Solid edition.”

  1. Heck, if Obama had really wanted to clean up the VA, rather than just kick the can down the road and get it off the news, Romney would have been a great choice for that job. And he’d probably have taken it.

  2. Difference between what be say they want and what they actually buy. Romney was the clean-cut mostly good-guy politician that people say they want in a candidate but he still lost to the slime machine of Obama/MSM

    1. True. You could be reasonably certain he thought his decision through, even if the decision was completely opposite of an earlier stand.

    2. If the American people actually wanted a reasonable, highly competent moderate in the White House, Mitt Romney would be finishing off his second term right now.

  3. I have to admit, though I’m not crazy about a lot of his politics, I respect the heck out of Romney.

    1. He’d make a good neighbor, good guy to do business with, likely a solid POTUS.
      Sucked somethin’ fierce as a candidate.

      1. Sadly, yes.
        I strongly disliked some of his politics, but you had to respect the man.

  4. Treasury, if he’s got to be a Secretary. Personally, I’d like to see him be put in charge of a special project. Operation Reorganization – where he leads a team that eliminates overlapping federal programs, eliminates areas that need a RiF, and any other area that needs a cleaning.

      1. I could also see him at State, mending all the fences that this mal-administration has plowed (through, over and under).

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