“The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies” teaser trailer.

Cannot. Wait.


What’s that?  ‘Liberties taken with the text?’ Sorry, Peter Jackson is too busy doing the fiddly bits in a final movie in a trilogy that’s just for me.  Not that he can even hear you, over the sound of all that money

10 thoughts on ““The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies” teaser trailer.”

  1. I was kinda annoyed with some of the changes, until I remembered that I like “Rosencranz and Guildenstern Are Dead”. If someone can mess with Shakespeare that much, what’s wrong with extending Tolkien a bit?

    1. Some might say that the true test of how classic or good a tale is, is how much and how often modern day. producers/directors/screenwriters/playwrights

      Change it.

      I mean isn’t that what mythmaking is, taking usually oral history and changing it over time through different authors and writers?

      And didn’t Tolkien intend to create a Mythology for Britain with his Legendarium?

  2. I don’t mind the additions, helps fulfil a secondary goal of telling the backstory to LotR not just the Hobbit. Many of us have loved middle earth since childhood, more the merrier.

  3. At one point while writing Lord of the Rings, Tolkien had to be dissuaded from rewriting The Hobbit. The reason some LotR characters aren’t in The Hobbit is simply because they hadn’t been invented yet; if the order of writing had been reversed or if Tolkien had actually rewritten The Hobbit, some of them probably would have made the story.

  4. I haven’t kept up with the trailers for this one. Have they released one that focuses on the defeat of the dragon?

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