I kinda… got nothing.

After blathering on for an hour on the RedState Weekly Briefing I’m pretty much emotionally drained.  Although I tentatively will be back on that for Election Night coverage.  God only knows if I’ll be sober for it… oh, who am I kidding? When you have kids, you either start drinking heavily, or you more or less stop drinking entirely; and I more or less stopped drinking entirely.

Open thread, except that we don’t really have those anyway.

‘Can’t put a happy face on this, Moe.’ …Gee, *I* can.

I shouldn’t find this funny:



…because it’s not. It’s a deliberate effort to scare people into giving the Democrats money; money that the Democratic party will largely spend on itself, the better to put the Democratic party in a position where it can continue to try to scare people into giving the Democrats money. That’s just… wrong. And, yes, I have to care about it being wrong: Christianity is hard.

Still, although the Democrats are doing Bad Things, here, there’s a certain amount of desperation in their voices at this point. Which is kind of darkly amusing, because things are very much not going to plan for them right now.  :shrug: They didn’t have much sympathy in 2012, so I don’t have any now.

So apparently the Activist Left did one of their patented pointless marches today.

Topic: that weird Apocalypse Climate religion thing. I’m largely indifferent, given that the best way to perpetually marginalize a cause is to let progressives take it over, but I was struck by something in the footage here…

…there was an awful lot of plastics, electronics, and synthetics in that crowd. Don’t those people understand why that stuff’s so cheapr?

Americans for Shared Prosperity’s ‘Barack Obama as dysfunctional man-child boyfriend’ ad.

(Via comments here) …Oh, but you are going to love this.

I’m going to get a transcript up as soon as I get one, but the short version: Barack Obama is a lying, cheating, no-good, paranoid manipulator who keeps telling you that he’s going to change, but never does.  And his friends are just as bad… but you can do something about his friends.


John Jordan, a California winery owner and head of the group Americans for Shared Prosperity whose work in outside groups has gained attention in the last year, is planning to air two women-focused spots nationally over the next few days during major news shows like “Meet the Press” on NBC and on Fox News, as well as digitally across national print publications including POLITICO.


…the ads he commissioned from Florida-based ad-maker Rick Wilson feature a woman speaking direct-to-camera about issues like the economy and national security, in a 30-second spot and a 60-second one. She accuses Democrats obliquely of treating women like single-issue voters, and talks about President Barack Obama as if he’s a boyfriend she’s stuck with for a few more years. “The goal here is to communicate with women voters in a way that outside groups and campaigns haven’t,” Jordan said.

I know Rick from online: he knows exactly where the boot needs to go in on this topic, and my but didn’t he just? – And the truth of the matter is, it’s all freaking true.  The Democrats pretty much do treat every group in their coalition with neither consideration nor respect; and there is in fact a limit to how often you can lie to a person’s face before she starts to realize that she’s being played. Particularly if there’s somebody out there willing to, you know, actually try to present an alternative.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: How effective is it?  Well, Vox reportedly hates it, in much the same way that a classical Central European vampire hates sunlight and whitethorn.  So there’s that.