Book of the Week: ‘This Kind of War,’

Gotta actually do this on a regular basis, now: I got people paying for it.  Anyway: this week’s choice is This Kind of War: The Classic Military History of the Korean War… which I am actually only about a third of the way through, but it really is a classic of its kind, and well worth recommending.  My dad was in Korea, and he didn’t like to talk about it; I am starting to really understand why.

And so, we say adieu to the brief visitation of Lord of Light.

3 thoughts on “Book of the Week: ‘This Kind of War,’”

  1. Also need to read Clay Blair’s ‘The Forgotten War’ and Joseph Owen’s ‘Colder Than Hell’.

  2. The post WWII doctrine of limited war was first practiced by the US in Korea. It allowed our foes to escape to a neighboring country for rest, resupply and reinforcement That doctrine cost France Algeria and greatly added to the cost of Korea and Vietnam.

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