Disloyalty? Stunning? Okayyyyy….

Now there’s a title that you shouldn’t see every day:

Leon Panetta, other former Obama subordinates show stunning disloyalty

Aspiring Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, scheduled a big Washington speech for Monday to condemn President Obama’s defense policy. But an unexpected competitor beat him to the punch.

Leon Panetta, in an interview with USA Today’s Susan Page published just before Jindal’s speech, criticized Obama in harsh terms that would have been dismissed as partisan sniping — if Panetta weren’t a Democrat who had served as Obama’s CIA director and secretary of defense.

Dana Milbank may not have picked the title, true: but I don’t know whether my issue is with ‘stunning,’ or ‘disloyalty.’ Probably ‘stunning.’ ‘Disloyalty’ I can almost maybe kinda sorta understand somebody else saying… if the person involved was still with the administration. The President is the guy in charge of the executive branch, after all; people who work for the executive branch should be expected to remember that.  But once you’re no longer working for the guy, well, your new title is Citizen of the Republic, which gives you enormously more right to criticize our head of state… and, hey, didn’t the Left fetishize the belief that dissent is supposed to be the highest form of patriotism*?

As for stunning… no, it’s not stunning that competent people don’t like to see incompetent people be incompetent.  I’d be sorry to break that to people, but I am, of course, not.  Which you probably guessed already, huh?

Moe Lane

*Somebody on Twitter came up with that one first.  Didn’t save the link, sorry.

4 thoughts on “Disloyalty? Stunning? Okayyyyy….”

  1. This is part of why I have a problem labeling Obama as “Chicago way”. In the true Chicago way, loyalty is bi-directional, a goon who saves his don some face gets rewarded…
    Not seeing where Obama ever learned that downward-loyalty side of the code.

    1. At least, he isn’t loyal to those he doesn’t trust, and he seems to only really trust those he has a handle on. If Panetta is talking already, Obama doesn’t have a handle on him.

  2. Not so much “disloyalty to Obama” as an overriding loyalty to Clinton. Democrats and Islamists, both have more loyalty to the tribe than to the country.

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