This kind of makes me feel better about myself.

I’ve never done this to a MMO Game Master.

I started working for a video game company a few months ago as a Game Master. I’m the guy who talks to you in-game, listens to your gripes about how stuff is bugged or broken, and then honestly tries to help you out.

Unfortunately, more often than not, you’re AFK, not online, left me a message saying to contact you on another character, appalled that it took me more than 5 minutes to get to you, or you simply feel the need to rage at me about how you pay my salary and I should give you back the bag of items you accidentally destroyed even though the game asked you “Are you sure you want to do that?”.

And I’ll say this for The Secret World‘s tech support: they’re pretty accessible. The one time I had a problem with my character, they were prompt (I don’t consider 5 minutes to be a long time to process a text-based request for help) and helpful. ‘Course, I might have sulked a little if I hadn’t gotten that item back…

Moe Lane

PS: Yeah, sorry, I’m feeling better, but I don’t feel great.  I figure a little mild babbling is acceptable.

One thought on “This kind of makes me feel better about myself.”

  1. Tech support generally gets underfunded in Online MMOs once a game is up and running.

    I’m glad to see that you got prompt feedback.

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