The inevitable ‘Star Wars VII Trailer, George Lucas Special Edition version’ post.

You have our collective permission to keep George Lucas away from the editing room on this one, Disney. We might even forgive you if your security staff – well, no, you shouldn’t break people’s hands. But don’t let him ‘help’ any more than you possibly can, because it will inevitably end in this:


Via Do-Gooder Press.

6 thoughts on “The inevitable ‘Star Wars VII Trailer, George Lucas Special Edition version’ post.”

  1. While I understand the idea of exageration for effect, I think the spoofers went a little too far. Seriously, that was a bit too far even for George Lucas, and the stupid rolling droid in the middle of a rock formation was too amateurish for Lucas to have put up with.

    I really didn’t have too much of a problem with a lot of the Special Edition version of the original trilogy.

    Btw, the TIE Fighters chasing the Falcon scene was way over the top. There were so many in such a confine space that there should have been multiple collisions (especially in an atmosphere).

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