Tweet of the Day, I Don’t Think Jorge Cares For Your Tone, Barry edition.

I hope that President Obama thinks that he won this exchange with Jorge Ramos. I truly do.

I especially enjoyed when Obama told Jorge to answer his own question, talked over Jorge, and then told Jorge that he was out of time. So did Right Scoop. Mind you, this was the rather horrible enjoyment people get when they watch an expensive automobile that’s owned by someone they dislike get sucked into a mudslide. Which is to say, this is nasty fun to watch. And it didn’t help Democrats among Hispanic voters at all.

4 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, I Don’t Think Jorge Cares For Your Tone, Barry edition.”

  1. Anybody who says “But Obama is on my side” clearly hasn’t been paying attention these last 6 years. Obama is on Obama’s side, and that’s it.

    1. On the contrary–I bet he’s on The People’s side, too. Why else would he be trying to fundamentally transform the country into a Marxist utopia?

      1. Please point to any subset of “the people” other than “the apparatchiks” who are *better* served by communism.
        Please point to any subset of “the people” other than “the apparatchiks” who *have been* better served by Obama.
        His actual constituency is, as they say, crystal pocking clear, eh?

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