I *was* going to comment on this…

…but after looking at it a little, I have instead decided on the alternate tactic of ‘backing away slowly.’ My kids don’t play this game, they’re not likely to any time soon, and clearly This Way Lies Madness. I’ll just assume that Tycho… no! Bad Moe! BAD! No biscuit!


4 thoughts on “I *was* going to comment on this…”

  1. Wait. Is this letter to the parents of players of an on-line game seriously telling the parents when they may and may not tell their child to turn off the computer, that’s enough for now?

    Is that what the article is saying is in the letter? Because if I were a parent (I’m not) and I got a letter like that my response would be “challenge accepted” and little Johnny wouldn’t be playing that game. Ever.

    My brothers have kids and a real good way of raising their ire is to tell them how to raise them. Do that often enough and the ire turns into ‘withdraw your bloody stump and go home’.

    1. What the letter seems to be saying is ‘turn the kid’s computer off BEFORE he commits to a chunk of time with other people that you’re not going to let him finish’.
      If that means the parent doesn’t let the kid play that game again ever, then that would be acceptable to them.

  2. Cluelessness level= epic.
    While it’s kind of expected to see comments on an online game discussion board that lack perspective and take the discussed game way too seriously, he turned it up to 11.

  3. I take solace in the fact that by the time I have kids old enough to play games like this, games like this will no longer exist. What replaces them, however…

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