Barack Obama to ‘reassess’ relationship with the Zionist Enti… right, too soon: ‘Israel.’

This is, like, the lifelong dream of the New Left, you know: “President Barack Obama told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the United States would “reassess” aspects of its relationship with Israel after Netanyahu’s provocative statements leading up to Tuesday’s Israeli election.” …’Provocative.’ Ostensibly, this is all about Netanyahu’s supposed rejection of a two-state solution*, but let’s be honest. This real problem is pretty straightforward: Barack Obama got humiliated in public by an Israeli Jew.

Oh!  Was I not supposed to say that aloud?  …It fascinates me, sometimes, what can and cannot be said in this culture.  I mean, it’s blatantly obvious that Barack Obama has no use for Israel: he’s an urban politician who has been steeped for decades in academia and progressive politics.  You think groups like Stormfront hate Israel? It doesn’t compare at all to the frothing disdain that erupts in faculty lounges and dinner parties across this country on a regular basis. In some ways, I’m kind of impressed that President Obama isn’t being worse.

But he’s not being particularly good here, either.  To be brutally honest about the situation, Barack Obama is allowing his fit of pique at being politically shown up again to combine with the limitations of his somewhat limited and parochial upbringing** to create a situation where Netanyahu Israel must be, well, put in its place.  This sort of thinking is obnoxious, of course: but it is also drearily familiar to anybody who has studied monarchical systems of government. It is always a temptation for the King to confuse setbacks for him with setbacks for the realm.

Yes, I know: Barack Obama is not a king. I agree.  Now go convince him.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*It would be more accurate to say that Netanyahu has more or less accepted that the Palestinians only want a one-state solution.  One where there isn’t a Jew to be seen.

**I refer, of course, to his Ivy League and community organizing years.  After all, by all accounts Indonesia enjoys a thriving multicultural society.

7 thoughts on “Barack Obama to ‘reassess’ relationship with the Zionist Enti… right, too soon: ‘Israel.’”

  1. It would be more accurate to say that Netanyahu has more or less accepted that the Palestinians only want a one-state solution. One where there isn’t a Jew to be seen.
    I’ve often wondered why the oh-so-morally-superior left doesn’t seem to give a spit that the official policy of the “Mohammedan entities” in the West Bank and Gaza is to keep them Judenrein.

    1. Because they don’t. It’s just impolite to say so openly, because doing so offends an important part of their base.

  2. Up until now the only difference between Stormfront and leftist academia is that the former was far more open about their views. Looks like that difference has been fading away.

  3. i wonder what Vidkun Quisling thought about Sir Winston, and what he might have done had he the means.

  4. “It is always a temptation for the King to confuse setbacks for him with setbacks for the realm.”

    Precisely. Mr. Obama is conflating the interests of the United States with his own personal interests and is having his temper tantrum. I wonder how long it will take before others can talk him around and remind him that US foreign policy is based on a bi-partisan consensus?
    He has less than two years to go and he wants part of his foreign policy legacy to be a reversal of America’s policy towards Israel to be followed immediately by a repudiation of that by his successor? How much humiliation does he actually want to suffer?

  5. Let’s get out Occam’s Straight Razor on this one . It’s not just Bibi that O hates . It’s not Israel and Israelis that O hates . It’s every Jew in the world , even the mullets in H-wood with their check$ , that O hates . It’s one authentic part of O ‘s ” Black Persona ” this Jew Hatred . ( Cf Jackson and Hymie Town or Dinkin’s and Crown Heights ) And now that Polite Society has allowed Anti semitism to come out from under the cover of Anti Zionism O is free to let his Jew hatred run wild . Wait till the Hamas terror gangs in Gaza hit Israel again and O puts military arms resupply ” under reassessment “.

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